"Uoooyniting African Cinematic Visionariehhhhggs: Thepop Global Hub for Industry Professionals"

African Filmmakers Network

"African Filmmakers Network Association"  promotes African and Caribbean cinema, while providing training to underprivileged youth in filmmaking. We use cinema as a tool for social change, focusing on United Nations' SDGs like poverty and climate change. Our key activity is offering comprehensive training in directing, production, and more. We connect young talents with industry professionals through workshops and conferences. Our mission is to create lasting impact in communities by empowering individuals, regardless of their background, to make a positive contribution to society through the film industry.

Board of Directors

The role of the Board of Directors in our Association of African and Caribbean Filmmakers is pivotal. Comprising experienced and dedicated individuals, the Board oversees the organization's strategic direction and decision-making. They provide guidance on policies, financial matters, and major initiatives that advance our mission to promote, support, and celebrate African and Caribbean cinema. The Board fosters collaboration with stakeholders, ensures adherence to ethical standards, and advocates for the interests of our members. Through their expertise and passion, they shape the future of the association, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community for filmmakers, enhancing opportunities, and driving the growth of African and Caribbean cinema worldwide.
Pierre Marie KENGNE
Scriptwriter, Director and Producer
Christelle KEMAYOU
Jacques Raymond TEDONGAP
Producer & production Manager
François Xavier NGOMBA
Communication Manager
Blaise Pascal TANGUY
Director, Producer & International Distributor
Félicité NAISSEM
Actress, Scriptwriter, Director & Producer
Actor, Scriptwriter, Director
Stephen ROCK
Actor,  Screenwriter & Writer
Director, Producer & Screenwriter
Actress, Scriptwriter, Director & Producer
Actress & Producer
Sylviane GBOULOU
Actress,  Scriptwriter & Producer
International African and Caribbean Film Festival, the first-ever sustainable film festival.

executive committee

The Executive Committee of the African Filmmakers Association plays a crucial role in promoting and representing the interests of its member filmmakers. Comprised of elected members, it is responsible for implementing the association's strategic objectives. The Executive Committee coordinates initiatives to support and promote African and Caribbean cinema internationally. It also facilitates partnerships with other film and cultural organizations to enhance the visibility and influence of the pan-African film community. Additionally, the Executive Committee manages administrative and organizational aspects, ensuring the smooth functioning of the association to serve its members.
Blaise Pascal TANGUY
Founder, General Delegate
International film producer, director and distributor, Founder of the international African and Caribbean film festival - Sustainable Festival  "L'Afrique Fait Son Cinéma"
Actor, director and screenwriter with four feature films to his credit and several successful short films written and directed by
Marie Laure ABA APO
corporate treasurer
As a production manager, I have worked on the development of several feature film. I'm currently working on my TV series project 
General Secretary
I've been specializing in professional make-up for cinema for over fifteen years. I have worked on several feature film projects

« Celui qui soigna Muganga » : Une fresque cinématographique d’espoir et de transformation

Marie-Hélène Roux s’immerge actuellement dans le tournage de son second long métrage, « Celui qui soigna Muganga », faisant suite au succès de « Links of Life » en 2017. La talentueuse cinéaste française réunit habilement l’acteur ivoirien Isaach de Bankolé, célèbre pour ses performances remarquables dans des succès récents tels que « Run », « French Exit » et l’épopée « Black Panther », ainsi que le polyvalent Vincent Macaigne, nominé aux César du meilleur acteur pour « Médecin de nuit » et « Chronique d’une liaison passagère ».

Harouna Mefire: Un acteur prometteur doté d’une sagesse artistique unique

Harouna Mefire est un acteur camerounais aux multiples talents, mais c’est sa sagesse et sa discrétion artistique qui le distinguent véritablement. Dans cet article, nous nous pencherons de plus près sur ce jeune acteur prometteur qui est entré dans le monde du cinéma par le hasard de la vie. 

Netflix met en avant les réalisateurs africains

La plateforme Netflix sortira « African Folk Tales Reimagined » , une série de six courts métrages de jeunes réalisateurs du continent africain. Ce projet soutenu par l’UNESCO, vise à mettre en valeur la richesse du patrimoine culturel africain.
African filmmakers network association

Why Join Us?

Joining the African Filmmakers Network opens the gateway to a captivating realm of artistic and cultural opportunities. By blending diverse talents and unique perspectives, this network sparks cinematic creativity across the continent. It's a chance to engage with creative minds, share experiences and knowledge, and collaborate on innovative projects. By becoming a part of this vibrant community, you'll contribute to the flourishing of African cinema, its global reach, and the transformation of authentic narratives into impactful cinematic works. Together, we shape the future of African visual storytelling and celebrate its unparalleled cultural richness.
Years in activities
Member Countries
Happy Members